Monday, March 19, 2007

what I felt about my source

I had a hard time trying to come up with a way to depict my source. My source is film score and I couldn't figure out a way to depict something like music in a way that was not time based. But then I remembered my assignment from presemester, when I had to draw sound, and did the same thing for this project. I had a to go through each song a couple of times to help myself imagine what each track looked like. I also took into consideration the what colors each track make me think of.

I really didn't like this project based on the fact that I had to work on a project in a medium that I was not comfortable with. I have to do work in my other classes in mediums that I am not comfortable in (drawing, form study) and I expect that in visual language I am able to use video and work in my prefered medium seeing as how there is no way to incorporate it into my other classes. Based on that idea I was irritated with this project and in reality, just want to move on to our next project where, hopefully, I will be able to work on a project in a time based medium again.

Friday, March 9, 2007


There are a couple of things that inspire me to create but the major ones would be film and music. There are films that I watch and afterwards they make me want to pick up my camera and start shooting. This happened specificlly with one film called "Four Eyed Monsters". I discovered a video podcast that the filmmakers were doing about the process of making the film and how they met in real life and how they felt about their own work. Up until this point I knew I wanted to make movies but I didnt have anything to say in any of my projects, I felt like I was just regurgitating all the tarantino and scorsese films I have watched and was not being original. But when I saw that these people felt the same way about their work as I did about mine it really inspired me. I talked to them about this and we still talk to this day and they continue to inspire me and give me ideas about new projects.

The other source of inspiration I have is music, especially film score. the way I determine if I like a song or not is if I can feel an emotion from listening to it. It doesnt have to be any specific emotion but when I hear the song and I can pinpoint any emotion to it, I will know I can use it in a project in the future. Sometimes I will hear a song and will come up with an idea for a video based on it. So music is a key source of inspiration for me.